If you have comments about the congress or would like to ask us to provide other information please feel free to contact us:

Congress Secretariat


c/o Institute for Circumpolar Health Research
PO Box 11050
Yellowknife, NT X1A 3X7 Canada
Phone: +1.867.873.9337
Fax: +1.867.873.9338

Physical Address:

3502 Raccine Road
Yellowknife, NT X1A 3J2

Coordinators Contact:

  • Pat Thagard, Congress Coordinator
    Institute for Circumpolar Health Research
    Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada
    Email: icch14@theedge.ca
  • Dr. AndrĂ© Corriveau, Steering Committee Chair
    Chief Medical Officer, Province of Alberta
    Email: andre_corriveau@gov.nt.ca
  • Dr. Pam Orr, President of IUCH & CSCH
    Department of Medicine and Medical Microbiology
    University of Manitoba
    Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
    Email: porr@hsc.mb.ca

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